posted on June 19, 2020

Dear Friends and Allies,

I am so aware as I write this, that by the time it reaches you mid-June the world may have changed again. 

Right as we were beginning to emerge from the total lock-down days of the quarantines, just beginning to let our souls enjoy some normal life returning, the heartbreaking deaths and social upheaval broke out. It was like a one-two punch. Our world continues to be shaken, and we want to help you find Jesus to guide you through each and every step. 

I hope you are tracking with our podcast because it's a more current method for us to provide guidance and prayer in these rough waters. Stasi and I recorded a special installment on June 3rd on the social upheaval; I hope you've had an...

About John

John Eldredge is an author (you probably figured that out), a counselor, and a teacher. He is also president of Wild at Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God's love, and learn to live in God's Kingdom. John met his wife, Stasi, in high school.... READ MORE