posted on July 29, 2016
Friends and Allies of Wild at Heart, I have some hard news I need to share with you... 
Most of you know that our dear Craig McConnell has been in a seven-year fight with cancer. So many of you have been praying earnestly for Craig and Lori over these years, and we are all so very grateful. Suddenly, over the past 6-8 weeks, there has been a startling turn of events. Craig's leukemia transformed into an aggressive lymphoma, and Craig is now in hospice as he nears the end of his pilgrimage here on earth. He wanted to share the news himself, so he dictated a few words to his daughter:
"Wow, things can change so fast. So fast it strikes you as wrong, unfair. I was a...
posted on July 25, 2016

July 2016

Dear Friends,

This may be one of the most important letters I’ve written you.

I want to deepen our understanding about something I wrote you last month—how Hatred has become the new “spirit of the age.” I wrote that before the police shootings in July. The mounting racial tensions in this country are symptoms of a much deeper reality. We need to grasp what is taking place in our world, so we know how to live and how to respond.

In the Beatitudes Jesus warns against murderous rage and consuming lust. I don’t think that was by accident; I don’t think he randomly chose two vices from the litany of human sin. The more you understand the essence of human nature and human conflict, you understand what...

posted on July 12, 2016

“I’m having a crisis of imagination,” my wife said to me just the other day. “About heaven.”

It’s been a tough year for our family and those near us. A tragic suicide, followed by the loss of our first grandson. Eight months of chronic pain—the kind only narcotics give you any relief from—ends in a total hip replacement for Stasi. Having lunch with some dear allies, they tell us their nine-year-old boy is going blind. And then a friend calls us a few weeks ago to say her body is shutting down and she has months to live. I could go on; we’ve just been around too much loss, and when you do, you grow weary of this hurting world and wonder if the next chapter is really going to make it all worth it. Thus the comment about heaven....

About John

John Eldredge is an author (you probably figured that out), a counselor, and a teacher. He is also president of Wild at Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God's love, and learn to live in God's Kingdom. John met his wife, Stasi, in high school.... READ MORE