Hedman Counseling

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Tara Hedman
Colorado Springs, CO United States

Has your heart been shattered? Is your hurt and pain a secret? You are not alone. No matter what you've done or what's been done to you, you deserve a place to be heard and find healing. It's essential that you have a place where your heart is cared for and nurtured. You don't have to journey alone. I would be honored to walk with you. 

I specialize in helping broken hearts find hope. There are resons why you think what you think and do what you do. Let me help you find a new journey toward true fulfilment. My desire to help comes from a place of personal experience. I have spent many hours as a client in the counseling room, and I know the vulnerability required to show up and tell the truth. I also know the importance of a safe and protected environment. I bring education and experience in group and individual therapy specific to addiction and aversion, relational boundary issues, anxiety and depression, trauma and childhood abuse. My hope is that you find a compassionate, understanding setting for your heart to be heard and understood.

Change is possible. You deserve to find hope on life’s journey. 

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Tara is accepting, caring and compassionate. All attributes I think we all crave in a caring professional. She has a way of making a person feel safe, accepted and genuinely cared for. I can always count on her to be there for me with non-judgmental, helpful, and loving care. If you're someone who is seeking authentic compassion and care, I can't think of a better person to have than Tara...
Tara has the ability to make me feel safe and hopeful, no matter what I am feeling. Regardless of what I say to her, she is gentle and calm. I never feel judged or looked own upon, and my pain is always received with tenderness. Tara brings a calm to me, that I often can't find anywhere else. She is absolutely amazing at what she does!!
After attending a Captivating retreat in April 2014, I knew I needed some assistance unraveling further what got brought up that weekend. I found Tara on this site and after 15 months together I can say she has literally helped change my life. I am more whole, more me than ever before and I am eternally grateful to her and for her. I've recommended Tara to a number of family members and friends and she is bringing her huge heart and immense giftings to many of them. She's even providing couple's counseling to my husband and I (who attended Wild at Heart this past March). I also want to add that I was in counseling years ago and it was nothing like how it is with Tara. I didn't realize how unsafe and shamed I felt in my previous experience until working with her. Simply put, it is extremely apparent that Tara is doing exactly what God made her to do!
Tara has a heart for people that matches her ability to provide the help they need. The depth at which she understands trauma astounds me. She is someone who's not only safe, but works hard to provide an environment that helps you feel and know you're safe. I would recommend her to anyone.
When I first met Tara, I was amazed by her support and encouragement. She was one of few people I could talk to when my world was crumbling around me. She was a voice of truth and reason when I had nowhere else to turn. She has always been a constant support and encouragement in my life by both action and example. She is an amazing woman, friend and therapist.