
(2 reviews) Add a Review
Larry Si
Morton, PA United States

MISSION - to help awaken the hearts of men

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This is probably the best thing I‘ve done for my spiritual growth in my almost 20 yrs as a believer. Besides the blessing of being able to fellowship with a dozen or so like minded men, the quiet times of reflection after each of the 10 sessions were invaluable in order to allow God to work healing and restoration in my heart. There were many practical, valuable things that I learned that will help me in my walk with the Lord for the rest of my life on earth. Many thanks to Larry and Todd and also Roy at Camp Sankanac for their time and energy in making this a great retreat experience.
WOW!! In some ways that‘s all I can say... I read Wild at Heart several years ago and really wanted to go deeper into the material, but I just couldn‘t get started on my own, even with the Field Manual. This weekend was the perfect scenario to do just that! Larry (and Todd) did a great job of setting up the environment and presenting the material and then stepping back to let God do His work. And boy did He do His work! There is something for everyone in this info - God wants to do a deep work of healing, restoring, clarifying, informing and setting us back on course...or onto a new course! If you have a chance to go on one of these retreats, don‘t miss it!