Unbound Ministries

(3 reviews) Add a Review
Ezra Snyder
Palmer Lake, CO United States


The mission of Unbound Ministries is the relentless pursuit of freedom.

We live in the most sexually charged culture in history. Pornography is tearing men, women, and children apart all across our country. Focus on the Family reports that 47% of families report pornography as a problem in their home and is the number one problem cited in the calls they receive for help each year.

The statistics are certainly troubling, even shocking, but they are not the whole truth. The truth is that real freedom is available.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1 NIV)

Are you experiencing freedom in this area of your life?

Perhaps you’re a regular guy just looking for some answers, some help, some way to make porn feel not-so-irresistible. Real freedom is available. Not just a set of rules or tips or techniques or formulas to deal with your behavior. Real, genuine, freedom. Read about it here.

If you are a pastor, counselor, or men’s leader, check out the resources we can offer your community or contact us directly to ask questions or discuss how we might help you bring a message of freedom to your community.

Wives and moms, trying to understand why your man or son struggles, read this letter from one wife to another. Learn more about what you can do to fight alongside your son and your husband.

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Ezra and Unbound Ministries offers men the ability to achieve the sexual wholeness that God has for them.
Unbound is a powerful book and very effective ministry in helping men find their true identity in Jesus Christ. we have personally experienced a very high success rate for men in our church to find lasting freedom from their addictions. More importantly unbound leaves you with a mission and something higher to live for then your next feeling of comfort from pornography. Ezra is a dynamic and powerful speaker who uniquely understands what a man is experiencing who struggles with porn, because he has been there himself.
Ezra has a huge heart for setting men from the snare of sexual addiction. I read the book twice in a matter of weeks. His story resonated so much with my story; through his book I have found a life of LASTING FREEDOM no more white knuckling it or false promises(I will never). Ezra approaches sexual wholeness unlike any author or speaker out there in that he is not about ten principles or do this he goes for the heart. What the Father has put on Ezra's heart is grounded in authenticity and truth; its a powerful message of freedom. As a man, that ministers to men the number one resource I recommend them is Unbound simply because it is the only thing that has brought lasting freedom into my life. The Father desires to set all men free from the bonds of sexual addiction; if you are one of those guys aching for lasting freedom and sexual wholeness his book and ministry are for you.