First let me tell you how much I have enjoyed the book! Your open and honest sharing, the stories, all of it.  What I most appreciate is the practical application.  I am excited to go through this with my wife, and band of brothers.

I also find it funny how unoriginal Satan is.  Many of the stories you wrote have a similar theme to ones I have gone through or friends have gone through (assault against joy, sleep, agreements with the Get ‘er done mentality - no matter the cost.)  So, thank you.  I pray this has a great impact for The Kingdom – it already has in my life and walk with God.  Prime example – One entry was, "What should I Read?".  After reading the entry I thought I’d ‘give it a go’.  So, I set the book down and asked God, "Lord, what do you want to say to me?  What should I read?"  Immediately I hear, Colossians 3.  Now, I am sorry to say I am do not read His word nearly enough and Colossians would NEVER be the first out of my mouth – I would usually go for one of the Gospels or Psalms, but Colossians?!  Then I said OK Colossians.  Was that Colossians 2 or 3?  Colossians 2? No.  Colossians 3?  Yes, Colossians 3.  I turn to it and Whoa!  The chapter heading in my translation reads, "The Life of the New Man." Just the reminder I needed as I was on a plane headed to meet with a client for several days and away from family.  Awesome!

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