Men’s Physical and Spiritual Adventure Weekend
September 07, 2017 to September 10, 2017
Minneapolis, MN United States
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Where: Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) Wilderness

When: 6 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 7, until 10 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017

A vast majority of stories in scripture take place outdoors, so how come many of us spend a majority of our lives indoors? When walking out a relationship with God, most of the people in scripture spent a majority of their time in the open air. Consider the patriarchs. Consider Jesus and how he always was walking somewhere. Consider that the original idea for humans was for them to live in a wild garden--not a boxy house.

Seeing things with an “outdoor mind” was common in relation to the way life was lived in scripture. Nowadays we live with “indoor mind,” and it changes the way we connect with scripture and with each other. I once heard a comedian describe the modern modus operandi essentially by saying, “I sleep in a box, eat my cereal out of a box, drive to work in a box, and sit in a box once I’m at work.” If what he said hadn’t made me laugh so hard, it probably would have made me cry.

The Men’s Physical & Spiritual Adventure Weekend offers us an opportunity to get out of our boxes, to go into the wilderness, and to be with God and other men. The word for wilderness in scripture has at its Hebrew root the meaning “to speak.” When people go out into the wilderness in scripture, they hear God speak (e.g. Hagar, Moses, the Israelites, Jesus). Come be a part of this adventure where we will tell stories, have conversations, be still, enjoy beauty, explore scripture through the Socratic Method (an invitational, question-rich style of engagement), and feel alive because the topography around us will match the topography of our hearts--and we were created for such congruence.

About the Leadership: Spearheading this event is Scott Morin--educator, pastoral counselor, licensed pastor, and M.Div. (who is a Hebrew-and-Greek-loving nerd). Scott has led work crews spiritually for Wild at Heart Boot Camps on a national and an international level and also has studied with the founders of Truessence, School of Jewish Studies, and the National Coalition for Purity.

Details: The registration fee for this weekend is $350 per person which includes food, cook kit, canoe organization, BWCA permits, trip administration, and teaching fees. If you need to cancel after registering, you will receive a full refund if your spot gets filled. We will meet in Minneapolis, MN, at 6 a.m. to caravan in our cars to the BWCA and return there at the end of our trip by 10 p.m. If you need to meet us in the BWCA, that can be arranged.

RSVP: To reserve your spot, please contact Scott for registration fee mailing address. (763.807.2508 or scottdavidmorin22@gmail.com)

See testimonies from previous men’s weekends at the following: facebook.com/Empowering-Ranch-501745553195640


Primary Contact: 
Married Duo: Scott Morin & Mandy Nelson
Minneapolis, MN United States
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I recommend Scott & Mandy and their organization.
Scott and Mandy are some of our closest allies. Scott is one our Senior Work Crew and had worked with us for over a decade. We recommend them without reservation.
